Building digital information literacy skills for trust and well-being.

Part 1 - Lead Organizer


Contact Person

Winston Roberts

Organization / Affiliation (Please state "Individual" if appropriate)

IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations & Institutions)


Senior Advisor



Economy of Residence

New Zealand

Primary Stakeholder Group

Civil Society


Part 2 - Session Proposal

Your proposal is for

Main Conference (Day 1-3)

Session Title

Building digital information literacy skills for trust and well-being.


Inclusion Trust

Session Format

Panel Discussion

Where do you plan to organize your session?

Virtual / online

Specific Issues for Discussion

The Internet is an indispensable platform for delivery of library services. Urban and rural libraries are publicly funded, inclusive and open to all age groups and sectors of the community. They must provide means for users to understand the wide range of sources of information, to learn how to evaluate them, and decide which ones to trust. Competencies such as media literacy help users to be aware of and avoid online mis/disinformation and other risks and harms: the key is user empowerment. Libraries require a well-governed ‘Internet for good’ as an essential tool for development – that is, an Internet that is accessible, affordable, inclusive, and safe for all including vulnerable users. Discussion will focus on the needs of indigenous communities in Australia, of communities in high-density cities, and communities in a developing country in the Himalayas (Nepal). They have in common the right of people to equitable access to information, the right to be safe when accessing information, and the right to receive reliable information for education, employment and the health of their families, especially during the pandemic.

Describe the Relevance of Your Session to APrIGF

The aim of the session is to focus on public services (for education, information, well-being and personal safety) which use the Internet as an indispensable platform for delivery of services. The clarifies that the library/information sector, and the technical and other sectors share an interest in maintaining the ‘Internet for good’ as an essential tool for development – that is, an Internet that is accessible, affordable, well governed and regulated. The session brings together 3 expert speakers from countries across the A-P region, people who are themselves responsible for managing services which they have helped build up. In particular they understand the need for accessible services, and for diversity of culture and language.

Methodology / Agenda

The moderator will briefly introduce IFLA as a global NGO for the library/information sector, then explain the purpose of this panel discussion, then introduce the 3 panellists. [3 minutes] Each panellist will then have 8-10 minutes (max.) to make a brief presentation (with a small number of slides) on the actions they take in their country to offer learning opportunities for greater digital literacy skills among users of public library and information services. [25-30 minutes] The moderator will ask a few short questions on impacts and lessons learned, and then conduct an interactive question & answer session between the audience and the panel [20-25 minutes] taking questions live and from the Chat. Questioners will be encouraged to keep questions brief: persons wishing to ask longer questions will be able to contact the panellists offline.

Please provide 3 subject matter tags that best describe your session.

digital literacy; information literacy; skills building


Moderators & Speakers Info (Please complete where possible)

Name Designation Organization Economy of Residence Stakeholder Group Gender Status of Confirmation
Moderator (Primary) Winston Roberts Senior Advisor IFLA New Zealand Civil Society M Confirmed
Moderator (Back-up)
Speaker 1 Louise Denoon Executive Director Public Libraries & Engagement State Library of Queensland Australia Government F Confirmed
Speaker 2 Gita Thapa Advisor Nepal Library Association Nepal Civil Society F Confirmed
Speaker 3 Sara Pek Head Engagement National Library Board of Singapore, and IFLA Singapore Government F Confirmed


Please explain the rationale for choosing each of the above contributors to the session.

Louise Denoon is responsible for library services in her State that are focused on inclusive ways of building digital information skills among the general public, taking account of the needs of all age groups for well-being and personal safety when dealing with online information, and particularly supporting widely dispersed rural communities and indigenous communities. Sara Pek has a background as a trainer in public libraries in a high-density urban environment. She now leads a national programme for promotion of digital information literacy initiatives in public libraries and schools across Singapore, and she is concerned to develop these programmes in a post-Covid-19 world . She advises IFLA (the international NGO) on such initiatives. Gita Thapa is a former president of the Nepal Library Association. She was responsible for promoting the development of ICT-based programmes in public libraries, and the skills training of staff so they in turn could develop the ICT skills of their customers, particularly women and youth, in urban and rural locations, and help them understand and evaluate information over the Internet. Gita will deliver her presentation from the local host/hub in Kathmandu.