Building Cyber Better: APAC approaches to more trusted, inclusive, and sustainable cyber capacity building

Part 1 - Lead Organizer


Contact Person

Daniela Schnidrig

Organization / Affiliation (Please state "Individual" if appropriate)

Global Partners Digital


Senior Programme Lead



Economy of Residence

United Kingdom

Primary Stakeholder Group

Civil Society


Part 2 - Session Proposal

Your proposal is for

Main Conference (Day 1-3)

Session Title

Building Cyber Better: APAC approaches to more trusted, inclusive, and sustainable cyber capacity building


Inclusion Sustainability Trust

Session Format


Where do you plan to organize your session?

Virtual / online

Specific Issues for Discussion

From cybersecurity to digital transformation and data governance to bridging the digital divide, communities across the Asia-Pacific are looking to bolster their cyber capacity. Cyber capacity building (CCB) has been recognised by a broad range of stakeholders as a priority to increase cyber maturity and resilience and promote international peace and security. However when it comes down to getting the work done on the ground, there is plenty to learn to make sure we are building cyber better Recently, the UN OEWG adopted its report, where it reaffirmed the importance of CCB for ensuring an open, secure, stable, accessible and peaceful ICT environment. The report outlines 10 principles to guide cyber capacity building, including a principle that capacity building should be based on mutual trust, demand-driven, correspond to nationally identified needs and priorities, and be undertaken in full recognition of national ownership. Global recognition of the value of capacity building is an important high-level starting point, but to operationalize capacity building we need to learn from the bottom up, from those working regionally and locally in, with and through our communities. Together we will explore how we can build better cyber, better.

Describe the Relevance of Your Session to APrIGF

The session is particularly relevant to the themes of Trust and Inclusion. Cyber capacity building efforts can help build trust, which is a prerequisite to fostering a free, open and secure cyberspace where individuals feel empowered to exercise their rights online, thus fostering inclusion. The session is also linked to the theme of sustainability, as cyber capacity building initiatives that are localised and tailored also have the potential to be more sustainable by embedding ownership and buy-in into the process from very early on. The most successful cyber capacity building efforts build trust and partnerships with the community they are working with, take an inclusive multistakeholder and multidisciplinary approach, and focus on sustainable and ecosystem minded solutions.

Methodology / Agenda

Introduction (7 mins): Moderator will start the session by introducing the agenda, speakers, objectives for the session, and will set the scene around the topics of the workshop. Food for thought (15 minutes): Experts will kick off the discussion sharing conversation starts focused on their learnings and expertise on the topic and inspire the open-floor discussion. Open-floor Discussion (30 minutes): Opening the floor for questions and comments to spark up the discussion. The comments, responses, or questions don’t necessarily need to be addressed to the speakers, participants will be encouraged to share their perspectives. Q&A and Wrap-up (8 minutes): Moderator to summarize the discussion and wrap up the session.

Please provide 3 subject matter tags that best describe your session.

CyberCapacityBuilding; CyberNorms; FreeOpenandSecure


Moderators & Speakers Info (Please complete where possible)

Name Designation Organization Economy of Residence Stakeholder Group Gender Status of Confirmation
Moderator (Primary) Klee Aiken Cyber policy expert Independent New Zealand Other Male Confirmed
Moderator (Back-up) Daniela Schnidrig Senior Programme Lead Global Partners Digital United Kingdom Civil Society Female Confirmed
Speaker 1 Cherie Lagakali Cyber policy expert Independent Fiji Civil Society Female Confirmed


Please explain the rationale for choosing each of the above contributors to the session.

Cherie Lagakali has just completed a scoping project for the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise, where she assessed the needs of the Pacific with regard to cyber capacity building and potential ways forward.